The Transformative Power of E-bikes
I’m fully sold on the idea of electric bikes and their ability to transform how we get about. Whether, like me, you have an e-cargo bike for lugging about tat, or if it gives you a little help so that you can ride with your partner again, or you’re just more likely to use your bike with a bit of a boost, it’s all good. I’m so sold on them that I’ve run a parish E-bike Loan Scheme for the past few years. Our scheme is really just an extension of the scheme run by Malvern Hills Car Club, which is intended to provide people with a quality e-bike for a couple of weeks, in order that they might test it for sensible period of time, as an alternative to a car. The bikes come with lights, mudguards, a lock and a pannier, to increase their utility.
The scheme has been a great success. Inevitably, demand varies somewhat with the seasons, but we’ve gone on to help several residents to purchase and use e-bikes, based on their experiences with the loan bike(s). More recently, we’ve asked loanees to complete a short survey to assess their experience and how we might improve the scheme. This has highlighted just how positive people’s experiences of using an e-bike are, as well as leading us to acquire a second bike that we share with neighbouring parishes, for those wishing to cycle as a pair.
Schemes such as ours offer a stepping stone for those who are e-bike curious. Whilst they stack up well compared to a car, a quality e-bike is an investment that warrants careful consideration. It’s fair to say that not everyone has wanted to own one following the loan. The most common concern being the weight of the bike, due to the motor and battery. Finding this out through a loan scheme is certainty preferable to finding it out after purchasing one. For most though, the realisation has been that they relish getting out on an e-bike. Many people expressing a newfound enthusiasm for cycling. Many exploring more often and more widely than they have for years. Others running errands and doing trips they would normally use the car for. Some even switching how they commute to work.
Parishioners in Callow End with loaned e-bike
Our scheme serves the parish of Powick, with sister schemes running in neighbouring parishes and across the MHDC area, due to the pioneering work of Malvern Hills Car Club, which also runs an E-bike to Work scheme.
We often get enquiries from residents of Worcester and have discussed setting up similar schemes with Worcester parish councils, but to date we are unaware of similar schemes within the city. Beryl Bikes is excellent but serves a slightly different role. Why not contact your representatives to see what plans there may be to offer such a scheme locally? Something I’m always happy to feed into if that would help.
Oh, and in general, if you’ve never experienced life on an e-bike, give it a go. You won’t regret it!