Space for the next generation? No kidding!

Since 2022, ‘Kidical Mass’ bike rides have been taking in place in Worcester but what are Kidical Mass rides, and what can you expect if you join one?

Kidical Mass is a global movement that invites people of all ages to come together on wheels: its focus is safe streets for all, with a shared vision of safer streets that allow everyone to travel independently. There’s a bit more information about the history of Kidical Mass here on our website and you can also find out more at

So, why do we need the Kidical Mass movement in Worcester?

When we (myself and my partner, Rob) organised the first Kidical Mass bike ride in Worcester in July 2022, our motivation was creating a really fun event for families in Worcester. We’d been running a bike bus since March 2022 (learn more about those here) and that had been so much fun that we figured that a weekend event that could involve families from all over the city would be even better. And that very first Worcester Kidical Mass was indeed, very special and superbly brilliant; over 80 people turned up to join in and we ended up at Diglis Fields where we played ‘find the bike lane’ and ‘ring my bell’ for the first time.

Beneath all the fun, games and bubble machines was a much more serious message. Many of these families told us that they didn’t feel safe cycling with their children and they joined for the feeling of safety that cycling as a large group gave them. Others talked about lacking confidence, often as a result of negative experiences out on their bikes due to behaviour of aggressive car drivers. And of course, the lack of cycling infrastructure in Worcester.

This is the other aspect of Kidical Mass: it is a protest. It is people coming together and saying ‘hey, I don’t feel safe in my own city!’ and making it clear to their local elected representatives that this is not good enough.

Over the last 100 years, car dependency has become rife in the UK and it’s painfully evident in the independent mobility of our children and young people. Anecdotally, lots of us over a certain age talk about how we played or travelled over large distances as children but that the equivalent freedom is not available to young people growing up today. Tim Gill, a global advocate for children’s play and mobility, illustrates independent child mobility shrinking over a series of four generations in Sheffield.

This graphic produced by Tim Gill and published in the Daily Mail shows child independent mobility over 4 generations.

The map exemplifies how child mobility has shrunk over the last century. We’ve made our towns and cities inconvenient, hostile and dangerous for families moving actively (walking, wheeling or cycling) by prioritising the movement of cars.

As a result of car dependency, the experience of our children and young people has been reduced.

One of the aims of the Kidical Mass movement is to challenge car dominance and create more space for kids, along with having fun, making friends and improving cycling confidence for families.

What happens on a Kidical Mass?

Children on bikes getting ready for the start of a Kidical Mass in Dines Green.

Our rides are advertised on our website and on social media so you can always find out when the next one is happening. We set a meet point and time, and can usually be spotted by the number of bikes gathering. There’s always a safety briefing to lay out our expectations; explain the route; point out who marshalls and first aiders are; and explain what to do if there’s a problem on the ride.

Then we get going! During the ride, there’s chatting, music, great vibes and our aim is for everyone to have a lovely time - there are always newcomers on every ride, as well as returners and we want everyone to feel included as part of the community.

After the ride, we hang out: playing games, picnicking, chatting, or other (more organised) fun. Post-ride activities have included a tour of the Diglis fish pass, Carboard Citizens Assembly, epic games and other frivolity.

Space for the next generation

If we reimagine cities as places where children can travel independently, we have the potential to create change on a scale that could have a huge impact on mental and physical wellbeing, and the environment.

In 2024, we organised 9 Kidical Mass events in Worcester and partnered with a number of organisations including Worcester Community Trust; Severn Rivers Trust; Friends of Diglis Fields; Worcester Community Gardens. The last ride of the year was our ‘Kidical Critical X-Mass’ festive themed group ride on 21st December. Santas on bikes, tinsel covered handlebars and a lot of festive music were present as we cycled a route of the city. It caught the attention of some local facebook groups and one woman commented that she was in the car directly behind us and that she cried with the pure joy of it as we all waved at her, and rang our bells and played our music. That’s the magic that Kidical Mass rides can bring to the streets. Come join us for one soon.

I love it when we stop the cars and we get to cycle where we like
— Worcester Kidical Mass participant, 8 years old

Crime and Punishment at Crowngate


RTCs and people doing dangerous things in cars, reported in 2025